Paula Montañés Lozano is touching the hearts of the youth with her masterpiece art
Robert M. Hensel once said- “There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more.” Every individual is unique in itself, and every individual can achieve his goals/dreams if he works hard and is dedicated. In today’s feature we’ll be telling you a inspirational story about an artist who even after her disability is on the path of conquering success. We are talking about Paula Montañés Lozano, the Spanish artist is quite popular on Instagram as she also designs for her clothing brand, posting various designs on her feed. Paula is a visionary and believes in hard work, dedication and perseverance to achieve success. Paula is deaf, but she never reflects it as her weakness. As it is said if God shuts a door for you it opens another one as well. Paula’s art clearly shows how natural is she, it almost seems like she is god gifted artist with mesmerizing and breath taking artistry.

Her paintings present deep composition, with various use of bright colours with resonating contrasts. According to Paula she always wanted to do art, she says that when she is engaged in making an art piece she is completely submerged in it, and this reflects too in her artworks that they have been drawn by someone who has deep understanding of what art is all about. Her Brand The New Fashion is slowly getting popular among youths because of the quirky and fresh designs that Paula Makes. Paula believes that Challenges are just a way to test a person and one should not be afraid of them but should face them boldly and overcome them without fear.