It is said that unless and until you have a particular plan chopped out for your success, you certainly cannot reach your goal no matter how hard you try. Actually, planning is a very integral part of journey to success because that gives you a strategy that you can always rely on an follow when you feel out of character. Ali Hamza Afzal had everything chalked out according to plan because his idea is unique, original, and has never been copied from anywhere else. Since childhood, he has been focused on learning about Commerce, business environment, accounting, business and web development, and media related to Internet. Actually, the Internet is very wide field and nobody can ever learn everything about it but they can obviously give it a try. He used to rely on cybercafés back in the time but now he has enough at home, that too is completely self made.
Ali Hamza Afzal used to love Internet and the online world, and that is when he started to think about getting involved with business, enterprise and business organisations. Although entrepreneurship was new to him, he was not afraid of taking it up because he knew very well that he has to learn about things no matter what kind of job he picks out for himself. Hence he wanted to choose something that he is interested in, that way he will be able to follow his passion as well as earn profits by working on things that inspires him. On the way to success, the journey involved a lot of other people who worked alongside him, some left because of the work pressure and those who stuck around wanted to learn more from him because he was the leading learner as well as practical applier of the knowledge he gained.
Motivation is very big deal especially in business organisations, without that an entrepreneur is basically nothing. It is not a normal job that a person does as an employee or provide the particular service. It is a specialisation, a profession which involves higher levels of knowledge, extreme qualifications and years of experience.
Education forms the baseline of everything. Ali Hamza Afzal is pursuing his higher education, that is also involving in business background. Apart from this, he makes sure to learn from outside sources and indulge in business activities at the same time. Balancing has to work out properly for him. He is completely fine with balancing his personal light, educational life and professional life. After all, multitasking is in his bones, and accurate business visionary qualities comes naturally to him.