Cyber Police Station at Civil Lines To Start Functioning Soon

It was a long wait for the city to see its Civil Lines based Cyber Police Station to start functioning soon. As per the Nagpur Live reports, the cyber cell has been based at the admin building located at Civil Lines in the city. As per reports, the office will occupy around 74 personnel in the said police station. Earlier in 2016, the state government announced the start of a cyber police station in 2016. Since then there has been no progress in this regard.
The reason for the delay was the lack of manpower in the project. Every year, more than 5000 cases are reported about the cyber crimes in the state. While talking about the city, Nagpur has witnessed a hike in the number of cases in the past 7.5 months. Cases worth 5 crores of fraud have been reported in the city police stations since the past few months. The fact of the matter is there seems to be an increase in the number of cases in cyber crimes in the city.
With the police station turning functional soon for the cyber cell in the city, Nagpur is going to have a good support to nab the increase of cyber criminals here. The office has been set up in an old MSEDCL premises in Civil Lines, which seems to be locked since past few years. Different banks and other premises will have trained IT personnel who will work in coordination with the cyber police station. These will work for banks and other government institutions which require security.