Big Win for Center Point School Katol Road for U-17 Basketball

A big win for the Centre Point School, Katol Road students who thrashed Centre Point School Dabha winning by a big margin of 60-31 Under-17 basketball tournament in the recently held Inter-School City Basketball Tournament. The final match was played on Sunday where the boys from CPS Katol Road had an impressive win. It was Adwait Jagtap who was the star of the final match and he single-handedly scored 29 basket, which is a record in itself in the city. He got a good support from his teammate Arman Tuli who scored 10.
It was BVM Shrikrishna Nagar got the third slot in the 3rd and 4th category win by defeating the CPS Vardhman Nagar by 50-30. The Under 17 final match seemed to have witnessed by Dr Jayprakash Duble, who happens to be the Joint Director of the Department of Sports under the Government of Maharashtra. This was the first time when Mr. Duble has taken the charge of this prestigious post in Nagpur and he was present in the entire match to boost up the winners.
During the prize distribution, Dr Duble was welcomed and honored by Joint Secretary NDBA Shreehari Garge along with other members. Talking about the results of the Basketball U 17, the CPS Katol Road Bagged the first position with their huge margin victory, while CPS Dabha secured the second position, while BVM Srikrishna Nagar emerged as the third position in the said match. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.