Dermatologist Amir Feily love for music is inevitable
Mumbai: Success come to those who dare to dream big and work every single day of their life to turn their dreams into reality. Though some people stop after securing a financially sound profession and a status in the society, some ambitious souls like Doctor Amir Feily never settle for less and want to rule over the world.
Doctor Amir Feily, a prominent name in medical field, is now raring to make it huge as a singing talent after establishing himself as a doctor. He challenged himself as a successful dermatologist and kept learning something new each passing day, only with the genuine aim to turn his childhood passion into reality and become the best in music industry.

Enjoying over 621 thousand fan following on Instagram, Dr Feily, also work as a social media influencer and believes to help people along his journey to become a successful singer. He says that the creative and artistic fields are perhaps the only niches where individuals can be themselves, showcase to the world what they truly possess as artists and gain tremendous success for what they love doing. The young rising star, through social media platform, encourages people to create a flourishing career for themselves by following their passion, just like him.
He confesses how at a very young age he was drawn towards the music world and began mastering the art of singing. Dr Feily’s knack for music earned him much fame, and now he is an established name in the world of Iranian music.
Dr Feily can’t wait to come up with more of his singles, work more as a doctor, travel around the world and give some more time to himself to be the best version of himself.
To know more, follow her on Instagram @dr.feily.