Follow Sonali Gupta’s Daily Diet Plan to Have A Flawless Body Like Her
Models have their ultimate goal to flaunt a flat, curvaceous body. However, it is no easy task to achieve and maintain a body with such high requirements. Every individual is suited to a different course. There are a lot of models out there and everybody has different eating habits to adopt and exercise regimens to follow all in accordance to their body. Different techniques will work for different people proving that a model diet isn’t a singular recipe for what you should or should not eat. Models stay always ready to face the camera and to stay this way they listen to what their bodies demand and fulfil the nutritional and workout needs by planning their days accordingly.

The entire credit for their beautiful sizzling & sexy figure, gorgeous looks, and stunning beauty, all are the outcome of a rigorous workout fitness regime and diet plan goes to their diet plans that are incredibly difficult to follow. They have to say no to carbs, fats and sugars along with some other stuff. Along with workout, models follow strict nutrient-controlled diets that help them remain in shape.
Preferred foods for models
Kombucha is a fermented beverage that provides various health benefits. Several models love drinking this nutritious beverage for multiple benefits.
Fruit salads have always been the go to food for most models as it has high nutritional value and less calories. As the models are always on the go, they prefer eating fruit salad bowls as it also quenches their sweet cravings .
Vegan salads
Salads are the evergreen choice amongst models. Vegan salads give them all the necessary nutrients without the added fats.
Lean protein
Lean protein items like white-fleshed fish and tofu are some obvious choices for the models.
Things models don’t eat
Fast food has always a big no for fast food items as they have loads of preservatives and impact the body negatively.
Caffeine –products or coffee tend to stain the teeth which is why models avoid consuming coffee before shoots and walks.
Dairy product- post consuming dairy products most people tend to have a bloated feeling. These products also consist of artery-clogging saturated fat and cholesterol. Most models avoid eating things that are made up of milk or other dairy products.
Sugar- most professionals are of the belief that consuming sugar is one of the primary causes of obesity along with some chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and this is one major reason why models prefer eating and drinking fruits instead of sugar.
Gluten is avoided by most models as it is linked with several digestive problems and bowel issues.
It is really demanding to stay fit and lean all year round. While consuming a strict and calculated diet physical workout including Pilates, yoga, gyming and HIIT also has an equal role to play.