How did Sahid SK end up in the digital content creation profession?
Sekh Mahammad Abu Sahid aka Sahid SK is a young entrepreneur and digital creator who lives in West Bengal, India. He has been working in this field for more than 5 years now and has gained experience across diverse mediums of digital content creation that the field has to offer.

But how did he end up in this field? Find his answer down below!
When did you think of being part of the digital creator community?
I always had a knack for curating digital content. I started making memes in the 2G era. When internet wasn’t affordable and accessible enough, I would still be the one making meme content. And although it started with memes, I soon ventured into the field of graphic designing and started making graphics. Currently, I even produce videos as well as news content.
Do you think people are showing interest in this profession?
Without a doubt. Everyday more and more people are joining the field with the aim of making it big while being able to deliver something unique to their target audience. Major social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram are evolving each and every day and so are the digital content creators. Social media applications come up with new features very frequently and with dedicated tools for digital creators, they are paving the way for us to grow and learn while putting out content for our audience. Moreover, they are constantly evolving with more and more monetizable features. This is surely motivating the youth today to join a field which promises a steady income and multiple networking benefits.
Why don’t you like white collared jobs?
To be honest, I feel quite anxious when I think of myself working at an office desk. I have no disrespect towards white collared employees, but I genuinely believe that I’m claustrophobic and that an office is my kryptonite. Which is why I am in general not a fan of white-collared jobs.
Do you think you’ll stick with this profession?
Nowadays, any start-up we see is somehow involved in digital marketing. Either it’s promoting itself via digital content or promoting themselves through somebody else on social media. This field offers a lot of scope and invites anybody and everybody. It doesn’t discriminate, rather, gives a platform to a lot of voices which otherwise wouldn’t ever have been heard by us. You can share your own story while also start a business page and grow your small business. For all these reasons and more, I think that whatever I do in the future, I will still stick with this field than ever consider another career choice.