The best thing of Priyesh Shrimal was Believing in himself
Nowadays, It’s very common to follow an ideal of your life for many reasons. Same as a very talented young artist PRIYESH SHRIMAL from INDORE,almost created a history with his extraordinary talent. He is absolutely one such eminent personality which stands up to every individual’s expectations who look up to him. He is an independent forward thinking guy, whose ideas were nurtured by his family. PRIYESH SHRIMAL was born on March 03, 1991 in Indore. He began his career as an artist in serial Dil Dosti Dance on channel [V]. This was his first screen appearance. Then he was acted in “Gumrah” on same channel [V], “Adalat”on Sony T.V. , Ye Hai Aashqui on UTV BINDASS and may more .

Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there. As an outsider, the dream of working in this industry is next to attaining nirvana. In a country of more than 1.2 billion people, making a space for yourself in the acting industry is extremely tough, but not impossible. Thousands land up in city of dreams Mumbai and thousands return without realising them. But a dreamy-eyed boy PRIYESH SHRIMAL doesn’t want to loose any hope. Sometimes he did modelling at the local level. He gave thousands of auditions to get selected for different kinds of roles as demanded, but didn’t work for many time. He said “ I don’t want to get typecast as a mythological character “. Also he believed that he deserves good roles.
People also like him as an anchor of singing reality show “ Suroo ke Eklavya”. He has so much capability to showcase his talent on and off screen. Most of the time we remind ourselves of that old adage:” If you can do anything else besides acting,then do it.” It implies that we are don’t have fully committed, and therefore,won’t succeed,He says. He thinks that the best artist are ones that have many interest and many different skills, are well-rounded and think of acting simply as a wounderful hobby. He always gave everything to his on-screen performance,as demand fir the character. The massage he want to spread for delightful survival is “ The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams “.