Bad Days for Aapli Bus at it earns 1 Rs per day in 27 routes
The Aapli Buses running in Nagpur had a bad time these days as these are not even earning more than one rupees per day. Despite it has been giving the commuters of Nagpur what they want, regular service, proper facilities and other things, yet these buses from Aapli Bus fails to take good response from the people. In around 27 different routes where it is seen plying with so many buses, it fails to attract the people in a big way.
As per the reports, the program manager of Aapli bus indicates that the buses fail even 1000 INR per day and if we deduct the amount of the running cost the earning not even more than one rupees. In other words, the Aapli Bus service is in a bad shape. As per reports, the company is not gaining more than 10000 per day from the 117 buses plying in different directions in different routes in the city.
The reports suggest that even during the peak hours, the buses in the morning and in the evening fail to get enough amount of response that was expected by the civic body that has decided to ply these buses in the city. All they can find on an average is 5 to 7 passengers per movement that fails to run the group in profit. The revenue has reached 61 per day while the highest collection on different routes per day on an average would be not less than 271 INR. NMC is now planning other means to bear the losses.