Shops at Nagpur Metro Station are in High Demand

There may not be an impressive response to the number of commuters for Nagpur Metro. However, the shops laid down on the railway stations of Metro seemed to be getting a good response. Yes, you heard it right as we can see an increase in the demand for the shops in and around the stations by the local vendors and traders. The experts feel that this could rise the commuters in the metros moving in different directions. As per a Metro official, 11 new commercial spaces have been sent on lease.
The station near the Institution of Engineer’s building to have acquired some space to start the tuition class in the shop taken on lease. Now, the metro officials have seen a rise of students taking up the metros from different locations to catch these classes at the IoE coaching. The other shops that are coming up include the ones from the daily needs like the mother’s dairy store and many more similar things are coming up informed the metro officials.
As per reports, the shops would be given on lease for nine years and thus people from Nagpur and vicinity areas now seem to be demanding for spaces in the commercial complexes located at the Metro station. The metro biggest commercial reality project has remained the biggest project so far opposite Traffic nd Transport Management center. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. If you have anything to share, do let us more on it.