Dadubhai Gadhavi (Mod) is the gadipati of Sonal Dham madhda
Dadubhai Gadhvi is very dear to the people, he is respected by the people very much. Because along with being the gaadipati of Sonal Dham Madhda, but he himself is from the family of mother Sonal.
Sonal Dham which is situated in Madhda, Junagadh, Gujarat. It is one of the most popular religious shrines and has many devotees queuing up to visit and worship “Mother Sonal” who many believe Mother Sonal is the destroyer of ill fate. Many devotees have faith in their deity who if worshiped with a pure heart, gives positive results and the proof lies in thousands of lives changed by following her with a pure heart.

In Sonal Dham, where Mother Sonal is seated, people can have darshan for 24 hours and people also get prasad in the form of food, People have a lot of faith in Mother Sonal, the temple which has come in Madhda of Junagadh district, where the temple’s gaadipati Dadubhai Gadhvi says that the temple is open for 24 hours, which people can visit anytime in 24 hours for darshan.
Dadubhai Gadhvi himself sees all the arrangements of the temple there, where for the people,There are all arrangements for water, tea and food, which are absolutely free, are given in the form of prasad.
Sonal Dham Madhda has come in Junagadh near from Somnath temple. Programs like Bhajan-Kirtan are often held in the temple. And people come here from all over the world to see, Mother Sonal’s Bij is celebrated in many countries. People have a lot of faith in this yatra dham.