State Government now Calls Pvt practitioners to treat COVID-19

In the recent decision by the state government to fight the virus, they have now asked the private medical practitioners to come forward and help the medical team to treat the people with coronavirus outbreak. In the recent statement issued by State Government officials, all the registered medical practitioner nurses and paramedical staff of private setup have been asked by the Government medical authorities to get deputed for setting up the emergency wards.
It further said that the decision has been taken in the wake of the crunch one is facing while getting the manpower at the Government Medical College and Hospitals (GMCH) in City and other places in the state. The officials are facing a shortage of several facilities and equipment. With the help of the private healthcare system entering into the area, one can see the strength being added to the system to fight against corona.
As per reports, the government has already made The Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 effective and thus have asked people to stay at home and at the same time, it has appointed the Director, Medical Education and Research the concerned man to head this emergency requirement, which has come as a competent authority by the state government. The director now holds the responsibility of monitoring the coronavirus cases in the city. The decision has been taken by the Government Resolution and has been issued by Medical Education Secretary Dr Sanjay Mukherjee. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. if you have anything to share, do comment and let us know more on it.