Health & Fitness

Which Conditions Are Treated By Orthopaedicians?

Understanding the role of orthopaedic doctors and the breadth of conditions they treat underscores their pivotal role in musculoskeletal health.

Orthopaedic specialists, also referred to as orthopaedicians, focus on diagnosing and treating injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, including bones, ligaments, nerves, joints, and tendons. This article offers an overview of orthopaedics, detailing the various conditions these specialists address and outlining what individuals can expect during an orthopaedic appointment.

What is Orthopaedics?
Orthopaedics refers to a medical speciality focusing on the care of the skeletal system and its related parts, including bones, joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Orthopaedic doctors can be classified into two main categories: surgical and nonsurgical.

Surgical orthopaedic doctors are referred to as orthopaedic surgeons, while nonsurgical ones include physiatrists and specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Orthopaedic specialists often work as part of a comprehensive orthopaedic treatment team, which may include physician assistants, occupational and physical therapists, nurse practitioners, and athletic trainers.

What Do Orthopaedic Doctors Do?

Orthopaedic doctors specialise in addressing issues related to the musculoskeletal system. Their responsibilities include:

Diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions.
Assisting with rehabilitation to help patients regain movement, range of motion, strength, and flexibility after surgery or injury.
Developing strategies to prevent injuries or manage chronic conditions like arthritis.

While orthopaedic doctors are knowledgeable about the entire musculoskeletal system, many choose to focus on specific areas. These subspecialties include the spine, hand, hip and knee, shoulder and elbow, sports medicine, foot and ankle, and trauma surgery. One such best orthopaedic doctors in Chennai is Dr Madan Mohan Reddy, who specialises in diagnosing, managing and treating various orthopaedic conditions.
What Types of Conditions Do Orthopaedic Doctors Treat?
Orthopaedic doctors treat a wide array of conditions, such as:
Bone fractures
Joint or back pain

Muscle strain
Injuries to tendons or ligaments, such as tendonitis, sprains, and ACL tear
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Bone cancer
Limb abnormalities, such as bowlegs and clubfoot

Which Procedures Do Orthopaedic Doctors Perform?
Orthopaedic doctors recommend a variety of treatments and procedures for the conditions they handle. Some of them include:

1. Nonsurgical Treatments

Orthopaedic doctors often focus on nonsurgical treatments first before recommending surgery. These are also called conservative treatments. Some types of nonsurgical treatments include:

Immobilisation: This involves preventing extra strain on the affected area to help it heal. Techniques include splints, braces, and casts.
Exercises: Your orthopaedic doctor may recommend certain stretches or exercises to help improve or maintain flexibility, strength, and range of motion in the affected area.
Lifestyle Changes: Your orthopaedic doctor may also help you make lifestyle changes like modifying diet, physical activity, and exercise routines to prevent aggravation of a condition or an injury.
Medications: Your doctor may recommend medications to relieve symptoms like swelling and pain. Examples include over-the-counter options like aspirin and ibuprofen, as well as prescription drugs such as anti-inflammatory medicines and corticosteroids.

2. Surgical Treatments

In some cases, an injury or a condition doesn’t improve with non-surgical measures. In such cases, an orthopaedic doctor may advise surgery. Some examples of operations performed by an orthopaedic surgeon include:

Internal Fixation: This involves the placement of hardware such as screws, plates, pins, and rods to help hold broken bones in place while they heal.
Joint Replacement: This involves replacing the parts of a joint that have become diseased or damaged, usually due to arthritis. Examples include hip and knee replacement surgeries.
Fusion: This involves the use of bone graft material along with some kind of internal fixation to connect two bones. As the bone tissue heals, these bones fuse into one, often used in spine and neck surgery.
Soft Tissue Repair: This surgery repairs severely damaged ligaments, muscles, or tendons.
Osteotomy: This is a type of surgery that involves cutting a part of a bone and then repositioning it. This may be used to treat arthritis.
Release Surgery: This is performed for carpal tunnel syndrome to relieve symptoms by reducing pressure on your median nerve.

When to Consult an Orthopaedic Doctor?
You must consult the best orthopaedic doctors in Chennai ifyou experience:

Significant reduction in mobility or range of motion in a joint, such as the elbow, knee, or shoulder.


Persistent or recurring swelling or pain in a bone, muscle, or joint that does not improve with at-home care.
Difficulty performing daily activities due to musculoskeletal issues.
An injury to a joint or a bone that requires specialised medical attention.
Nerve-related symptoms like tingling, numbness, or a sensation of “pins and needles” in your legs or arms.

Understanding the role of orthopaedic doctors is crucial for anyone dealing with musculoskeletal issues ranging from fractures and joint pain to complex surgeries like joint replacements. These specialists play a key role in diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating patients to restore their mobility and quality of life. Take the first step towards better musculoskeletal health with Apollo by scheduling a consultation with Dr Madan Mohan Reddy, one of the best orthopaedic doctors in Chennai.

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