Know about Ashish Mehta Astrologer and his expertise in Vastu Shastra
A bachelor in Civil Engineering and a master in Technology from CEPT, a renowned Astro – Vastu Consultant. Furthermore, degrees like Vastu Shiromani, Vastu Visharad, Jyotish Daivagna Ratna, Jyotish Maharshi, Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Ratman, and likewise are a few more feathers in his hat. He also has a profound interest in areas like Vedanta, Yoga Shastra, Mantrashashtra, Phonetics, Tele Therapy, Alternate Therapies, Colour Therapy, Personality Development, and many more which helps him serve society better. He is also a founder of Karmic Engineering and believes when ‘Time, Space and Energy’ work altogether one can achieve miraculous results.
Ashish Mehta has written many books on Astrology & Vastu Shastra like BRUHAD JYOTISHSHASTRA, JYOTISHSHASTRA ANE SHAREBAJAR & VASTUSHASTRA

What Ashish Mehta says About ‘Namashkar’?
There is another feeling that has a major part in Namaskar. In the last step of Surya Namaskar, we say om Bhaskarya namah ( ॐ भास्कराय नम:। ). Bha stands for knowledge. That means in the first step we drop our ego and become friends. We tap friendship frequency first and then we will talk with knowledge and we do not fight on any topic while talking to each other. We can listen to each other without any ego or any other negative feelings. With the knowledge, both can upgrade in life. Namaskar is a pose to create a light of knowledge in both people. The pose of Namaskar also indicates gratitude towards each other.
As soon as we do Namaskar, we create a universal frequency of knowledge and friendship.
If we try to know more about our hands, we get to know that our hands are said to be energy sensitive. As you know we have some lines in our hands, some of us wear stones in fingers given by an astrologer. Our hands have some kind of energy that can be transferred. As the law of science, energy flows from high to low. If I put my hand on your hand, the energy will transfer from high to low. If I have more energy my energy will flow towards you or if you have more energy that flows towards me. That does cause a loss of someone’s energy. But when you do Namaskar, the energy does not transfer to another person
In Namaskar, you close both the hands that are active, you get both the hands close to your heart that generates feelings, and when you close your both eyes that allows you to see the knowledge. When we do Namaskar, we get an appearance of mind, body, and soul. This is the science of pose Namaskar.
Nowadays not only the Indian people but people outside of India also prefer doing Namaskar while greeting someone instead of shaking hands. Next time when you will meet someone do Namaskar so that you can change the negative thoughts of someone towards you. And you both can be in an equal state and can get knowledge from each other. May we all get happiness and success with the knowledge of Namaskar.