
NotchWeb founders Nikhil Darji and Ahmad Tariq spell the secrets to get success in digital marketing

As per Wikipedia, Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet and online-based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

Digital marketing has not only revolutionized how offline marketing used to be carried out which generally included a set of predetermined steps which may or may not work for each unique business, but its online version has also significantly reduced this trait while performing better at ROI in terms of the results achieved with the costs to the business.

Nikhil Darji and Ahmed Tariq
Nikhil Darji and Ahmad Tariq

Nikhil Darji and Ahmad Tariq, the young internet enthusiasts who today own one of India’s fastest-growing digital marketing company in India called NotchWeb, explain how millennials can use the power of the internet for generating wealth for not only the vast amount of businesses who are in need of such services but also for their yourselves, by initially building your portfolio as a digital marketer and then making that portfolio work for you.

“We could accelerate NotchWeb to the place it is today because we first practically learnt everything by working with clients, the best part of the internet is that you don’t need to study 3 years in college to get a certificate to start, one can simply begin working after understanding the basics from the plethora of platforms online, then you can start offering your services as a beginner, and once you begin to bring results to the table, people will hire you for the price that you like”, says Tariq Ahmed, founder of NotchWeb.

Nikhil is counted as one of the youngest CEO’s of India, talking about this massive achievement, Nikhil says,” I always wanted to start something of my own, I despised the work for someone tag and hence I started early, when I launched my first venture, Royal clouds hosting, I knew I could land empty-handed, but that did not stop me, I put consistent efforts and within months, I saw my dream startup flying, I learnt a major life lesson then, you can either fear or live the life that you want, there’s nothing in-between”.

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